Monday, April 4, 2011

You Can’t Ride a Bike to Hawaii (And You Won’t Get Rich Trading Time for Dollars)

Making lots of money has long been a desire of mine (there, I said it). I scoff at the self-righteous pundits who say money doesn’t matter. I agree with the notion that it’s not the most important thing and that having money and nothing else (i.e., health, relationships, passion) is futile. However, to deem it unimportant is laughable.

My personal development studies started in pursuit of what has been painfully elusive in my family, generation after generation after generation. I’ve made lots of discoveries along the way that I am grateful for. None of them, however, have resulted in millions of dollars. And yes, I still want lots of cash.

I’ve been troubled by the connection between beliefs and manifestation. There is the suggestion that if I don’t have it, it’s because I don’t believe it. With this in mind I started working on my belief system. More money was made. Not millions though. And yes I still want it.

I asked a mentor what I was doing wrong. She shared that belief is a critical element, however, it’s not the ONLY one. This shook my foundation and initially there was resistance to anything else she had to say. She asked a silly question, “Why can’t you ride a bike to Hawaii?” Huh!? “Well, because I would drown before I got there,” was my reply. She said, “exactly!”

At this point I’m thinking what does this have to do with making millions. Her point was that no matter how determined I was, no matter how much I believed, no matter how much I loved Hawaii, no matter how hard I peddled it wasn’t going to happen. And it had nothing to do with feeling worthy of the vacation (my belief system). It was simply the wrong vehicle.

We looked at my source of income. She quickly pointed out that because my income required my presence (if I didn’t show up it stopped) I was not in the right vehicle. The next lesson I received will be the one that changes my life; it may do the same for you. The lesson was on linear v. leveraged income vehicles.

Leverage income is always more powerful than Linear income! Linear income is when you trade your time (hourly wages) for money. The only way you can get rich on a linear system is to get multiple jobs. The problem with this is that you only have 24 hours in a day, meaning if you were to never sleep and work 24 hours a day, you could only get paid on 24 units in a day! Obviously it is impossible to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This would be like trying to ride a bike to Hawaii. Linear income is not the way to go.

Success leaves clues. If you want to become wealthy you must start doing what wealthy people do and that involves leveraging your time through building a network. Let me explain.

J. Paul Getty, who created some of the largest fortunes ever, said it best, “I’d rather have 1% of 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own.” Think about that for a second.

I’ll put it in more recognizable terms. Let’s say a person builds a network of thousands of people. For the sake of easy math lets say each of those people work 10 hours a week and there are 5,000 people. In this case, the owner of that network has 50,000 hours working for her every single week.

Leveraged income is a much more powerful system than you trying to work 24 hours a day 7 days week (168 hours)! I’m not saying that building a network is easy, but it’s simple. And with today’s technology and tools it is much easier than it’s ever been. The key is to find the right system and leadership.

95% of Americans are either still working, dead, or dead broke by age 65. They didn’t plan for that I assure you. The mistake was not recognizing soon enough that they were in the wrong vehicle for where they wanted to go.

5% found a way to leverage their time through the efforts of other people in a win-win way. If you will do the same, there is a great chance you can achieve wealth.

My vision is to mash personal development and business ownership together. In the process, the 2% success rate for people building networks and having financial liberty will be shattered. If you would like to be part of this vision and/or you realize that you’re riding a bike and its not going to get you there, let’s connect. Be 1 of 1000. This is the path to personally driven personal development. It’s key to staying relevant in a changing world.

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